Thursday 6 March 2014

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Has been submitted in paper format to the course tutor.

Observation Record (OR)

Records of observation are recorded in the TRL section of my blog. Scroll down past the 15 weeks of Recorded hours and the Feedback from Horticare. This includes my personal feedback and reflection on the assessment.

Friday 10 January 2014

Record of Development (RoD)

Course Feedback Record 1
Feedback on the 3PF January 2014 can be seen here: Feedback Record 1

Thank you for this useful feedback on this first stage of the course Tam. It should help me make the necessary adjustments to improve my course work during the weeks ahead.

Action Plan:
Maintain a strict schedule of work, reviewing all classwork, recording to my blog with additional research. Keep up with each weeks work, including post lesson and teaching reflection and again, recording it all to the blog.

I also need to prepare a CV. Bit of a challenge seeing as I have been Self Employed all my life.

We prepared a bit of a plan during the lesson on 7/01/2014

Horticare Meetings:

Meeting with John Taylor and action planning

Course Feedback Record 2:  See here

 Actually this course feedback is invaluable in helping establish areas for attention. Tam is a great teacher and even though I'm pretty sure she is run off her feet, she always finds time to attend to my learner needs. Overall this feedback did confirm my own feelings, that I am keeping up OK with the course work, though there are some of the finer details of my teaching practice and related record keeping that need some attention.

Course Feedback 11/03/2014 Action Plan/ILP

See here

For details of peer observations and mini teach sessions 

For teacher development and experiences

Peer Observation for week 25 mini teach